- Client:Tripinview
- Date:2015
- Info:Learn how to use Tripinview and take advantage of its unique features
- Launch Project

How to use TripInView
Tripinview is a travel website that allows users to enjoy hundreds hours of HD video and hundred thousands of HD photos of the Mediterranean coastline, taken from a helicopter. The whole content at this moment illustrates the Mediterranean coastline of Spain, France, Monaco, Italy, Malta, Turkey and Greece.
The visual content is geotagged and uniquely presented by using a very innovative presentation method called InTriSync® (Interactive Tri-media Synchronization). This means that users can explore destinations from above, by either using the overview image layer to have a wider understanding of the area, or by using the detailed image layer to see all the nitty-gritty details of a particular area (i.e. beach texture, marina size, village architecture, etc.). On the other hand, if they desire to just lean back and enjoy the ride, they can just let the video fly them over places and destinations. Anytime, the user can switch from the video to image or vice versa while always having the location available on the map.
Users can choose among the top “sun and sea” Mediterranean countries and vacation styles to build their own trip. A great variety of vacation styles such as cosmopolitan, romantic, family, adventurous, nautical and many more is also available, helping users to personalize their trip even more.
Now every destination and point of interest (POIs) has each own profile, making it easy for travelers to search and learn more about specific places. Furthermore, the map presents an overview of information, depending on the selected zoom level, so as to provide a dynamic way for filtering destinations and to visualize the volume of images and videos illustrated in each area.
TripInView users can save their favorite destinations, points of interest, hotels, photos and more as well as share them with friends and co-travelers. It also provides a unique hotel selection method, since the hotels that are available on the platform are pinned, not only on the map as in most cases, but also on the images of TripInView that present the respective coastline with its exact location and related surroundings. This way, the visitor can have a visual understanding of each hotel’s location, and not only its position on the Map.
Either a dreamer or a traveler that is actually planning for vacations, every visitor can choose and visually explore among 350+ destinations from all over the European Mediterranean countries. Every destination has its own local places including beaches, nautical points of interest (marinas, ports and anchorages) and urban places (villages, towns, etc.), along with their relative information, position in the map and of course their representative images. Destinations can also be tagged and reviewed by users, giving travelers the opportunity to learn more from people that have already been there and want to share their experiences.